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 Heaven has a lot to tell us... 


To be announced soon...
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Teleconference calls will be offered as a remote way for all of us to gather, be taught through the Angelic Presences that unify with us during our phone time together and... 

breathe more easily in these presently challenging times.

We are dearly loved for the work that we do

to assist our evolving world.

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You will be sent the call-in information (phone# and access code).  Please, be sure to include your email in the payment details, while making your payment. By signing in a few days in advance of the above date, you readily ensure your place within our meeting without any last minute frenzy. I am so looking forward to our connection.
Bless you and thank you.

(®The Little One: A Teacher™)
©2020 ®The Little One: A Teacher™, LITTLE ONE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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